So, let's get to it. Here's what I've been up to, both in the realms of writing and the personal.
- I'm at 17,697 words in my novel so far, which puts me about 6,000 past where I need to be by today. I love being ahead. This year, my novel is related to a society where human trafficking is even more commonplace. I posted a prologue a few months back.
- Even being ahead, it's likely that I won't finish NaNo this year - unless I keep popping out 8,000 words a day like I did yesterday, which makes me skip meals and act like a crazy person. Anyways, I probably won't finish because I'm moving! My husband just got orders to Washington state, which means a lovely cross-country move. It'll be harder to write during all the necessary move stuff.
- As you can probably guess from the previous bullet point, my husband graduated from his training program here, about a week ago. Everything's happening so very fast.
- My cat is just as disruptive to the writing process as ever. She still finds joy sitting on my notes, but now she's also taken to pushing my laptop off of my lap and claiming the spot as her own for hours at a time.
Have a good one, loves!
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