Hello, hello. Phar here with plenty to report!
...First off, I have no finished products to report. I'll get that out of the way right now. Been a little sporadic with my projects as of late.
The dystopian slave novel (which still doesn't have a title - actually, let's also get this out of the way: none of these projects currently have titles) is still in the works, though slow going. I plan to finish the first draft before the end of summer, though fingers crossed that it's sooner! I'm just giving myself a long deadline for my sanity's sake, just in case.
I've also made a bit of headway in a novel exploring a dysfunctional father-daughter relationship, the factors that caused the relationship to be that way, and the effects it had on the futures of both parties. A lot of psychology will be in this one, so enthusiasts, be on the lookout! No current timeline on this one.
I've rediscovered my fantasy novel and am determined to make sure it doesn't get put so far on the back burner again. This one is going to be incredibly in depth (you know, the type of book with a map and family tree at the beginning), with a variety of races and deities and histories. Very exciting, but very intimidating. No current timeline here either, sorry.
A storyboard now exists for a novel about soul mates and past lives, inspired greatly by Plato's Symposium. The plan is to follow two souls through lifetimes - not necessarily as lovers, as soul mates are typically viewed, but in a variety of circumstances that guarantee their paths crossing. History and relationships are obviously going to be the key features here. This may be my National Novel Writing Month project this year.
The fifth novel on the table is the least formed - a story about a man who enters the dreams of others whenever he falls asleep, influencing and exploring their psyches and subsequently impacting the real world. This is the other NaNoWriMo option, though I have far less planned at the moment. I guess you'll have to wait until November to see!
On top of that, I'm also beginning to compile a second poetry volume due to an incredibly fruitful Poetry Month, which I hope to have finished before November. Furthermore, I'm currently working on a short story about mermaids and another about the hierarchy of angels, both of which will be included in a future and distant short story volume.
Focusing on one thing? Who's ever heard of such a thing?
Stay tuned!
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